A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Raycaster for game making, 500 lines of C code using SDL2, source code provided, by all means bugless, easy fun. One more thing to show off, should be enough.
Here are the original files for RayCoaster, exactly as they were. It was purchased 6 times before as i was told, but the money was abandoned due to the requirement to declare taxes.
How to write map text files, this is from the code. Sprite or wall not clipping means that you can go through it. Both can be partly transparent, magenta is the transparent color. Remove the aplha channel from png or the image will not load. The sprites cannot move smoothly, unless the code is modified, but they can change smoothly, the aim was mostly to use it for puzzle games. The walls can be different height as in Elder Scrolls Arena, in some ways it is somewhere between Wolfenstein3D and Doom.
/* Sprite a--n, wall o--z, after the map, a sprite or wall code followed */ /* by white space and path to an image, loads that image for that code, */ /* _ after the code means that the sprite or wall is not clipping */ char map[MAPHEIGHT + NUMOFTEXTURES + 2][4 * MAPWIDTH + 4] = { " w7w7w7w7w7w7 w4w4w4w4 w7w7w7w7w7w7 ", "w7 w7", "w8 DEFAULT MAP c1 w8", "w7 w3 w3 w7", "w8 w3 w2 w5 w5 w2 w3 w8", "w7 w3 w2 w2 w3 w7", "w8 w3 w2 w5 w5 w2 w3 w8", "w7 w7", "w8 w5 w5 w8", "w7 w7", " w5w5w5w5 w5w5w5w5 ", "w1 w1", "w1w1w1w1w1w1 w4w4w4w4 w1w1w1w1w1w1", "w1 w4w4w4w4 w1", " ", "w7w7w7w7 w7w7w7w7", "w7 w7", " ", "w3 w3 w3 w3", " w5 w6w6w6w6w6 w6w6w6w6w6 w5 ", "w3 w3 w6w5w6w5w6 w6w5w6w5w6 w3 w3", " w6w6w6w6w6@@ w6w6w6w6w6 ", "w7 w6w5w6w5w6 w6w5w6w5w6 w7", "w7w7w7w7 w6w6w6w6w6 w6w6w6w6w6 w7w7w7w7", " ", " ", " " };
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This looks pretty interesting. I'll give it a spin :)